Blossoms at Larne Lough specialises in providing workplace wellbeing services

Over the last 10+ years our primary focus has been on providing a therapeutic haven and restorative programs for staff dealing with burnout and chronic stress.

Blossoms is driven by a dynamic mother-daughter team, combining the expertise of Horticultural Therapist Liz Curtis and Horticulturalist Maureen Hanvey. Their shared commitment to harnessing the healing power of nature shapes the essence of Blossoms at Larne Lough.


Shortly after studying Sociology at Queens University Belfast, Liz obtained her Professional Development Diploma in Social and Therapeutic Horticulture from Coventry University. Liz was the first person in Northern Ireland to gain this qualification.

Liz is passionate about using Horticultural Therapy to target work place stress, and help balance the growing over-engagement in technology. Her passion is in finding practical and enjoyable ways for everyone to engage in nature based therapy, on a daily basis.

Maureen has dedicated her entire working life to horticulture, gaining over 30 years’ hands on growing experience. After working in commercial growing, she now focuses her energy and experience on therapeutic programmes, sessions and workshops in the therapy garden. She brings with her a wealth of wisdom and knowledge that is truly unrivalled.

Maureen’s expertise is in teaching a wide range of practical horticultural growing skills. Her passion is studying the scientific evidence of how our brains are effected by nature.

Blossoms at Larne Lough specialises in workplace wellbeing services, using nature-based therapy to increase health & wellbeing and decrease stress.

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